The Rock School’s program is based on demand-driven learning. This means that our teachers adapt the curriculum to what you need and want to learn.

Kroz redovnu tjednu nastavu polaznici škole stiču i unaprijeđuju svoje znanje i muzičke vještine, a u sklopu ostalih školskih aktivnosti međusobno surađuju, kreiraju bendove, nastupaju na školskim koncertima, te bivaju prepoznati i angažirani i na profesionalnom nivou.

Individual lessons

Through individual lessons, Mostar Rock School students acquire and enhance their knowledge and musical skills, and the curriculum is individual and tailored to the needs of each student.

The Mostar Rock School offers individual and combined classes in the following categories:

– Drums 
– Bass guitar 
– Electric guitar 
– Keyboards 
– Vocals 
– Creative electronic production 

Radionice tehnike, zvuka i teorije za bubnjeve

Radionice tehnike, zvuka i teorije su grupna nastava sa predavačem gdje su časovi organizirani u grupama do 3 polaznika u kojima pored učenja sa predavačem upotrebljavamo tehnike peer-to-peer učenja, odnosno vršnjačkog učenja u kojemu polaznici zajedno napreduju učeći i jedni od drugih. Nastava se odvija redovno i nudi praktične, teorijske i istraživačke tehnike kako bi polazniku/polaznici ponudili najširi pogled na muziku.

Band coaching

Band coaching means professional guidance of band rehearsals. A band coach coaches students in defining their sound, selecting and arranging songs, listening skills, working as a team, learning to play functionally in a band setting, and preparing for a show. 

For more advanced bands, the program includes aspects such as performance skills, promotion and management.

Session bands

Under this program, Rock School forms 10 – 15 bands which are tasked to prepare for a concert within a certain time frame. The school then organizes a concert where all session bands present their work and results.

Within one school year, five thematic cycles of session band program take place, covering the music decade of 50s onwards. New bands are formed for the each round resulting in total of 50 – 70 different bands formed and as many original songs created. It is the Session band program that links all the students. It is the team work and creative process that teaches them to work with different personalities, to express their ideas as well to embrace the ideas of the other.

Studio recordings

Mostar Rock School regularly organizes audio recordings for talented bands and the best session bands in its professional DK studio. Funds were collected for the studio on the big Rock school concert on 30th December 2015, and the star of the evening was Dubioza kolektiv, DK studio was opened in February 2016.  

Studio also allows the realization of the educational aspect in the field of audio recording, and it initiates the development of the presentation and booking sector.


Master classes are led by experts in a specific music style, presenting their unique technical approach to their instrument or presenting the topics relevant to young musicians and bands on the rise such as Music Industry, History of Rock Music, Management and Booking, Copyright, Marketing, etc.

As part of this program, and in cooperation with Mostar Blues & Rock Festival, Mostar Rock School students had the opportunity to see the legendary Ten Years After (UK), Innes Sibun (UK) - formerly guitarist with Robert Plant, Marc Ford - the guitarist of the legendary band the Black Crowes (USA), and also Senad Šuta, drummer of Dubioza kolektiv, Damir Urban, Vasil Hadžimanov Band, Chris St. Hilaire, Doyle Bramhall II, Adam Minkoff, and to hear about their extensive experience in the music industry.


Besides its regular program concerts presenting session bands, Mostar Rock School organizes a number of concerts per year presenting its work to the wider audience and is invited to play at various cultural events.

Summer Rock School

In Summer 2015, Mostar Rock School has organized a week long music camp that gathered 60 participants. 

Second week long music camp, Songs That Matter took place in summer 2016 and it gathered 65 participants.


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